I ordered and read "The Infertility Cure" by Randine Lewis.
It's a great book although it is a big and somewhat heavy read. I found myself needing to re-read many portions, underline/take notes and study it to really benefit from it. It feels like a short crash course in fertility related eastern medicine. I think what she has to say is not only interesting however, but beneficial to any woman looking to improve her fertility by getting to the root causes of fertility problems and not just addressing the symptoms (which we do so well in the West). This book feeds my inner-hippie chic too. I love natural-granola type things, but she comes across like a doctor, combining wisdom from both east and west (and not like a flaky guru of some kind).
In reading you will be able to identify your symptoms for various problems related to ferility that are connected to our organs and hormones. What I discovered is that I have the classic symptoms of deficiencies related to my liver, kidney and spleen....the big three. I think I have always had some hormonal imbalances, but they have become more pronounced with age and stress. I have way too much stress in my life and have for years...but that's another story.
The book is so full of information that one of the challenges is actually narrowing down how you are going to address the problems once you recognize them. I wanted to start with supplements and there were so many options listed for all of my deficiences that it is difficult to choose. My approach was actually to take the supplements that seemed to have overlap in recommendations and/or were the easiest to find. Otherwise I would be taking like 60 things a day!
One thing you will come to understand is that this natural eastern approach is not a "one size fits all" and that you won't know which supplements to take to boost your fertility until you know what your personal problem areas are. Everyone can benefit from improving their diet however, which she recommends, and I am making an effort to get a lot more fresh fruits and veggies and fiber.
My new regimine consists of the following supplements daily to improve my fertility/eggs and cleanse/balance my organs and body:
Milk Thistle Seed
Chinese Ginseng
In addition I am taking an increased amount of Folic Acid and Calcium along with my prenatal vitamins and a baby aspirin every morning. We'll see if things improve. I have been on Vitex and Wheatgrass for about a month and have noticed a decrease in some of my hormonally related symptoms already. I have been gradually adding the other supplements in as well.
This week I have my first appointment with a fertility acupuncturist, which is something Dr. Lewis recommends. I'm excited! I did 3 sessions of acupuncture for back problems awhile back and felt FANTASTIC afterwards....I was pain free after every session for several days. So, I guess I believe it must really have some benefits even if we don't fully understand it.
Maybe that's where faith kicks in: I don't have to understand something to believe it can work. And this has given me some hope in an otherwise hopeless situation.