Sunday, September 15, 2013

Baby Boy is Here!

Our precious little boy was born on June 30, 2013 weighing just over 7 pounds after a touch and go labor and birth. He is healthy and truly a bundle of joy and I have never been so happy to be sleep deprived.

Our little miracle (thanks to God and science!) is taking up all my time and love so I have not been posting much and probably won't be in the foreseeable future.

Thank you to everyone who supported us and cheered us on.  Don't give up on your dream of a baby whoever you are... we are proof that where there is a will, there is a way. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Third Trimester Worries and Hopes

We've had a few scares with this pregnancy when a some questionable things were found on our scans, but really things continue to progress well and I am trying to keep my anxiety level down to a minimum. I know we're in the home stretch but I have to admit that I will not have real peace until we can deliver and take home a precious baby...God willing.  It is really comforting to feel him move and kick now and that provides daily reassurance. But for someone who has had a lot of losses, I find my thoughts bombarded by things like, "Is he moving enough? Has movement slowed down? Could the cord be around his neck? Is the placenta still functioning correctly? What did that sharp pain mean? Am I having too many Braxton Hicks contractions? Is my cervix holding out?"   The questions go on and on.

But right now baby boy continues to measure ahead and is even in the 90th percentile (we're all hoping he slows down a bit!). To think that doctors were concerned about IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction) when a 2 vessel cord was discovered at week 18 seems just funny now when they say he's getting too big. All I can say is that my prayers for his cord to work and get him proper nutrition seems to have been answered in the affirmative. :)  One of the techs told me last week that she has seen many, many 2 vessel cords in her years of practice and that she can count on one hand the times it actually affected a baby's growth.  Wish I'd heard that weeks ago!

Here's the latest profile shot...the cord is above his mouth, but I think it looks like he's smoking a pipe! ;)

So now waiting and being patient is the hardest thing. I'm uncomfortable, yes, but mostly I'm anxious to get this baby out into the world where all the perils we seem to face in pregnancy are over. I don't want him to come too early to be sure, but oh my...I hope he comes not one day later than he needs to. :)

31 1/2 weeks today....hopefully not more than 8 or so weeks to go. Stay healthy baby boy, and come as soon as you're ready! 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Milestones Passed...and it's a Boy!

I have been so busy moving to another state and beginning a new (wonderful) job that I haven't had time lately to post, but I am happy to report that we passed our big 10 week hurdle for this pregnancy (we never seemed to make it safely out of the 10th week before), followed by the 12 and 14 week milestones, which, I am told, means that the risk of loss goes way down after that point. I doubt I will ever feel totally safe during the pregnancy, but we are ecstatic to get to this point with all looking "perfect" as my doctor says.

Today I am 17 weeks and at our last scan at 14 weeks, we confirmed that we have a little baby boy. :) We took the MaterniT21 test given my age and history, and it was negative for Trisomy 13 (lost our Annabelle to this), Trisomy 18, and 21. All scans have been on target as well, with no concerns so far, and baby consistently measures 1 week ahead. Grow little one, grow!

Here are the latest scans of our little guy:

A profile shot is above....head is on the left, tummy in the middle, legs on the right.

And below is what they call a "potty shot"...looking from behind, legs in the air, and evidence of boyhood:

DH and I are thrilled to be having a boy and it is a huge relief to be into the second trimester. We are beginning to tell the wider world our news. :)