Sunday, January 27, 2013

Milestones Passed...and it's a Boy!

I have been so busy moving to another state and beginning a new (wonderful) job that I haven't had time lately to post, but I am happy to report that we passed our big 10 week hurdle for this pregnancy (we never seemed to make it safely out of the 10th week before), followed by the 12 and 14 week milestones, which, I am told, means that the risk of loss goes way down after that point. I doubt I will ever feel totally safe during the pregnancy, but we are ecstatic to get to this point with all looking "perfect" as my doctor says.

Today I am 17 weeks and at our last scan at 14 weeks, we confirmed that we have a little baby boy. :) We took the MaterniT21 test given my age and history, and it was negative for Trisomy 13 (lost our Annabelle to this), Trisomy 18, and 21. All scans have been on target as well, with no concerns so far, and baby consistently measures 1 week ahead. Grow little one, grow!

Here are the latest scans of our little guy:

A profile shot is above....head is on the left, tummy in the middle, legs on the right.

And below is what they call a "potty shot"...looking from behind, legs in the air, and evidence of boyhood:

DH and I are thrilled to be having a boy and it is a huge relief to be into the second trimester. We are beginning to tell the wider world our news. :)