Friday, April 27, 2012

I Beat Asherman's :)

I am here to tell you that all is not lost if you develop Asherman's. I completely freaked out when I was diagnosed and I had a moderate case, but after 1 surgery with the right surgeon, all scarring was removed and did not return. Sometimes, it will take more than one procedure, but it can be beat. On my follow up hysteroscopy (after surgery) that was done here locally by a different RE, we were amazed that absolutely no scarring had come back and so no further cutting was required.

The KEY to beating Asherman's is not only prevention (avoid a D & C if at all possible!!), but having it treated by only experienced Asherman's surgeons. I cannot emphasize this enough because most OB's and RE's are not trained or experienced to handle AS despite what they say.  An experienced surgeon will NOT make AS worse (which many doctors do inadvertently) and they can do in 1 or just a few surgeries what it can take others many procedures to accomplish.  Basically, if treating AS is not something a doctor does every week, then don't have them treat you.

I have an HMO but found out that one of the top AS surgeons was in network. My surgery was totally covered but I did have to fly to Boston to have it done. In the end, the only expense was airfare and a one night hotel stay. Not bad for getting my uterus back in perfect shape!

The timeline was:

January 2012: diagnosed with Asherman's with an HSG at my request after 2 years of no diagnosis despite my complaints to doctors of a lighter/shorter period since my D & C's

February 2012: Asherman's hysteroscopic surgery to remove scarring followed by a round of estrogen. I treated myself with enzyme therapy (Medizym V), Red Rasberry tea and Castor Oil packs during recovery.

March 2012: Follow up hysteroscopy showed no return scarring.

April 2012: Cleared to try and conceive again!


  1. I have found great comfort in reading your post on how you beat Asherman's. I recently had two aggressive back to back D&C's due to very adherent retained placenta post miscarriage, and I am now suspecting Asherman's, though I have not had an HSG yet. I am in the boston area and may I ask who your specialist was? I need to go to someone who is an expert in this field and I do not know where to start! THANK YOU!!

  2. Cathy, yes, do get the HSG and if you have some adhesions I can unhesitatingly recommend Dr. Keith Isaacson in Boston. It's great that you're so close to him! He comes highly recommended by so many women who have successfully beat Ashermans. I wish you all the best!!

  3. Thank you so much! That's very helpful! I wish you all the best! Please know that your blog helps many women like myself out there!

  4. I would love to hear more about your after care treatment "I treated myself with enzyme therapy (Medizym V), Red Rasberry tea and Castor Oil packs during recovery."

    I am having my hysteroscopy next month for Ashermans and would love to know what to do!

    1. Sorry I didn't see this earlier! I hope your hysteroscopy went well? If you're still treating yourself during recovery, here is what I did:

      Took 4-5 enzyme capsules on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast and before bedtime.

      Drank Red Rasberry tea with breakfast and after dinner some time.

      Castor Oil packs on my tummy every night with a heating pad starting a week after the hysteroscopy and lasting for several weeks.

      Best wishes to you for complete healing!

  5. Can you talk about your experience having the procedure done? Was any discomfort manageable?

    1. Hiya...I found the actual surgery easier to handle than the HSG actually! I watched the whole thing on the camera (my request) and during the cutting of the scar tissue there was some mild pain but it was very mild. The insertion of the scope was uncomfortable going in and out. It was also a brief procedure which made it totally manageable. I took ibuprofen ahead of time. Totally worth it!!

    2. HELLO! Bless you! Thank you! THIS is EXACTLY what I needed to hear TODAY--all of it. I'm scheduled for my surgery with Dr. Isaacson in 4 days, this Monday. I'm so very relieved to hear that any discomfort was manageable! I think that I have a high threshold to tolerate it as I remained calm after dislocating my shoulder and gave birth naturally, yet I still have been needing to clear concerns since I asked yesterday about the procedure. Dr. Isaacson's staff also explained to me as well that the surgery can be easier than all that leads up to it and it's still so reassuring to hear from someone who has actually experienced it. For me, the insertion of the scope was indeed uncomfortable when getting my Asherman's diagnosed so knowing that might be the worst of it gives me some calm. Here's to intending my procedure is brief too and either way it sounds like I can bear "surgery" even with just ibuprofen. Again, thank you so much for writing back to me! If I have any other questions I hope it's ok to ask again. Best to you! Namaste.

    3. Oh, you are in the BEST hands!!! I hope it goes exceedingly well for you, you are doing the right thing by going to a top AS surgeon. Feel free to send me any other questions you have.
