Friday, September 14, 2012

The Donor Embryo Cycle Begins

I've never been so happy to pop a pill before...every morning since CD 3 I have been taking a birth control pill to quiet my ovaries until I start Lupron next Wednesday. The way I see it, each pill is getting me one day closer to the transfer of our little DEmbies.  Eeeeee!!

I took great satisfaction today in re-arranging my cupboard in order to accommodate and organize all my meds. It's like a doctor's office in there with all the needles and vials and swabs. My eyes widen every time I look at the jumbo 22 gauge Progesterone needles though! They are freaky big.

Here is my cycle schedule:

Sept. 8th- CD 3:  Start birth control pills

Sept. 17th- CD 10: Baseline Ultrasound at the RE's (beg for Intralipid Rx)

Sept. 19th- CD 12: Begin Lupron injections in the morning! 10 units sub q.

Sept. 20th -CD 13: Stop birth control pills (last day on the 19th).

Sept. 24th- CD 17: Reduce Lupron to 5 units. Begin Vivelle (estrogen) patches- 2 patches .1mg every 2 days.

Oct. 8th- CD 31: Fly to CA for the lining check!

~Oct. 9-14th: Donor Egg retrieval- Stop Lupron. Begin Progesterone injections - 1 ml. Continue Vivelle.

~Oct. 14-19th: Fly to CA for Transfer!

The big question weighing on my mind right now is whether to transfer 1 or 2 embryos. I wouldn't mind 2 babies, I just fear the complications of a twin pregnancy, especially when I'm already so fearful of problems with my cervix given all the disruptions to it during the miscarriages and Asherman's surgeries. At the same time, I'm very fearful that the the embies won't stick given my history of RPL and 2 really ups our chances of getting preggers. I'm praying for wisdom on this question.


  1. I just found your blog and I am so impressed on how easy you have embraced the donor embryo route, I admire your strength and open mindness. I will be following you and hoping for an amazing outcome being that I may be going through the same path as well. Please keep us posted. xo

  2. Thank you! I appreciate your encouragement very much. Let me know if I can ever answer any questions for you if you ever find yourself on the same path. I wish you all the best!!
